Optional Additional Functionality
Any Combo of Residential, Commercial, and/or Hotel
Support any combination of residential, and/or commercial, and/or hotel segments so model has the functionality you need.
Multi-Date Exit Functionality
Enable multi-date exit functionality, allowing for the sale of different units at various dates over time.
Include functionality for CPACE (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy) and TIF (Tax Increment Financing) to integrate sustainable financing and local economic development incentives into project models.
Complex Mezz Debt Features
Incorporate complex mezzanine debt features, including flexible payback options, to structure tailored financing solutions for projects.
Alternative Loan/Other Source of Capital
If your capital stack isn’t covered with land loan, construction loan, mezz debt, grants, etc., model has capacity for an alternative source of funding.
Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC)
Incorporate Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) with a %QRE federal and state tax credits sold to purchaser for development cash in capital stack.
Model and Project Assistance
Helping you excel in every stage of your project
Free Technical Support
After purchase, if you have any specific technical questions on how to use the model, no problem. Just send us an email; we’re here to help.
Hourly Project Assistance
– Populate & Analyze: We work as team members with many of our clients to model their projects and analyze results so they can focus on deals.
– Customize Model Functionality: Discuss customizations and time/cost needed to complete.
– Create OMs for Presentation: We work with you to create the perfect OM for presentation. Already have a design? We’ll work in your template.